
Editions on CD:


• Corpus of Spanish Emblem Books

• The Golden Age of European Emblematics

• Emblems of Wither & Rollenhagen

• Alciato, Emblemata. Critical Edition

• Emblems of the Society of Jesus

• Renaissance Books of Imprese

• Baroque Repertories of Imprese


• Hieroglyphics

•  Animal Symbolism

• Mytographies


• Renaissance Numismatics

• Complete Works of Hubert Goltzius

proverbial wisdom

• Erasmus' Adagia. Versions and Sources


• Covarrubias, Tesoro de la lengua española

complete works

• Baltasar Gracián

Treasures of Kalocsa

• Book of Psalms MS 382 c. 1438


Aurora Egido: De la mano de Artemia

Literature, emblematics, mnemotecnis and art in the Golden Age.

Aurora Egido, distinguished Chair of Spanish Literature at the Universidad de Zaragoza, gathers together here a series of fundamental articles for the study of the connections between literature and art in the Golden Age. These brilliant pages succeed in transforming aspects previously deemed to be marginal by critics into key considerations for future research and for an understanding of the most intense period in Spanish culture.

Contents: I.- La letra de los emblemas. Primera noticia española de Alciato. II.- Fronteras entre emblemática y literatura. III.- Lugares e imágenes de la memoria en la literatura y en el arte. IV.- Mnemotecnia y religiosidad en el Nuevo Mundo. V.- El tejido garcilasista en la Égloga III. VI.- Las sierpes enlazadas en un soneto de Lope de Vega. VII.- Góngora ante el sepulcro de Garcilaso. VIII.- Retratos de los Reyes de Aragón, por Andrés de Uztarroz. IX.- Visajes de la pobreza en el Siglo de Oro. X.- A modo de epílogo: Sobre la invención del Barroco literario.

Letters, emblems and hieroglyphs, typologies and tropes, colors to regulate memory, symbolic conjuring and ciphered searches, concentration of meanings and expansion of the senses, ink and voice, pages and canvasses, games with mirrors, silent and threads of words weave in this book a profound perspective and a revitalizing panorama of the Spanish Golden Age.


Medio Maravedí is a copublication of
the Universitat de les Illes Balears
and José J. de Olañeta, Editor.


last minute

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• 5.4: RSA: a Recapitulation

• 4.4: DVD edition of Covarrubias, Tesoro de la lengua española

• 18.3: Treasures of Kalocsa, vol. 1: Psalterium MS 382



Discreet Reader

Sancho Panza and the Turtle

An Encounter with the Inquisition

Phoenix on the top of the palm tree

Canis reversus

His Master's Voice

Virgil's best verse

To eat turtle or not to eat it

blog of studiolum

•  Chinatown

•  Un viaje a la mente barroca

•  Unde Covarrubias Hungaricè didicit?


biblioteca abierta

• Bibliography of Spanish Emblematics

• Horapolo, Hieroglyphica 1547

• Alciato, Emblemata 1531

• The Album Amicorum of Franciscus Pápai Páriz

• Ludovicus Carbo, De Mathiae regis rebus gestis (c. 1473-75)

• Epistolary of Pedro de Santacilia y Pax

medio maravedí

Directed by Antonio Bernat Vistarini